From the unknown to a fully monitored infrastructure



We help you understand better your infrastructure

At MATEREO we combine data from different sources including in-situ sensor, satellite radar measurements and third-party data sources (weather, traffic loads, etc.) to provide real-time analysis, insights and metrics about the current state and the evolution of critical infrastructures in a single web platform. Your infrastructure or infrastructure network will be always under constant evaluation and the information available in the same place.

The way to simplify data acquisition

MATEREO uses a unique proposal that allows a complete overview and analysis of critical infrastructures.


These are the advantages

In-situ monitoring

Our civil engineers can recommend you the best in-situ monitoring solutions available in the market to locally get data from your infrastructure and advice you in all the installation process.

Remote monitoring displacements

InSAR technique allows you to remotely get access to a historical behavior of vertical displacements of the infrastructure and analyze hundreds of locations simultaneously.

Customisable platform according to user needs

Our service includes a standard dashboard to visualize the data but the user can propose a different layout and graphical presentation according to the needs.

Detailed information of all sensors installed

The data from the sensors can be visualized as time series, gauge plots, pie charts, histograms, bar charts, tables, etc, as well as in a map for the displacements acquired with satellite images.

Critical limits, alarms and their historical occurrence

The user can define limits to the values from the sensors and visualise them as a background to the data in real-time or get access to the alarms triggered by the system.

Trend analysis

The user can require to visualise linear data trends in the graphic. Positive or negative displacement trends may indicate a problem in the structure.

Our clients

"Very interesting the results achieved by MATEREO. We are going to use this as a successful case study of anomalies detection."


Patrick Macedo
Senior Engineer at VLI Logistic

"[...] the safety levels of our employees, the speed with which we managed to intervene in these infrastructures is much greater through a solution that is a mini Columbus egg."


Eduardo Ramos
Executive Director at Brisa

Our packages

Remote analysis

Starting at 450€ per month
  • remote sensing from satellite measurements
  • vertical and horizontal ground movements
  • embankment and slope monitoring
  • thermal expansion on bridges
  • multiple infrastructures analysis at same time
  • critical points identification for in-sity analysis
  • historical data analysis

Data-based SHM

Starting at 650€ per month
  • sensor's data integration
  • weather data
  • trend analysis
  • structural damage detection index
  • vibration intensity diagram
  • displacements forecast
  • ... and much more ...

Our role


Our projects

Our role:

Trancao Bridge - Lisbon, Portugal

The success criteria of the project were: <br>
- Demonstrate the ease and speed of installation of this type of wireless sensors;<br>
- Demonstrate the ease of access to data in real time and its interpretation, in a single web platform;<br>
- Demonstrate the robustness and reliability of the sensors in assessing the responsiveness of the bridge structure at the sub-millimetre level.
The success criteria of the project were:
- Demonstrate the ease and speed of installation of this type of wireless sensors;
- Demonstrate the ease of access to data in real time and its interpretation, in a single web platform;
- Demonstrate the robustness and reliability of the sensors in assessing the responsiveness of the bridge structure at the sub-millimetre level.

Mondego Velho Railway Bridge - Coimbra, Portugal


Rainha Sta. Isabel Bridge - Coimbra, Portugal

Our role: <br>
-  Propose types of sensors and locations on the bridge; <br>
- Data integration: in-situ sensors + InSAR; <br>
- Implement and automatize alarms; <br>
- Dashboard customisation.
Our role:
- Propose types of sensors and locations on the bridge;
- Data integration: in-situ sensors + InSAR;
- Implement and automatize alarms;
- Dashboard customisation.

Paso Real Bridge - Antioquia, Colombia


Railway - Tapiraí, MG, Brazil

Need help? Book a call at a time to suit you

Partners & supporters

Contact us

+351 239 160 318

IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes
Rua Pedro Nunes Ed.C
3030-199 Coimbra

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